211 Helpline Palm Beach Treasure Coast
50 years of service
Not all organizations or businesses serve their community for 50 years. To commemorate this momentous occasion, the 211 helpline asked us to design a celebratory logo. As well we helped them devise a year long marketing campaign “50 leaders 50 years”, in which our community leaders tout the accomplishments and impact of 211. An accompanying announcement appeal was sent to their contacts as well. We even updated the website with a custom donation landing page and refreshed graphics.
A 5 county wide nonprofit covering the Treasure Coast and Palm Beach County needed a new website that was more accessible, lower cost, and easier to use. We found just the right platform for them, then spent a significant amount of time reorganizing the vast amount of information that they produce. As well we focused extensive effort to make it easy for users to navigate and find the critical information they may need.
2019 Annual Report
211 desired a simple easily reproduced annual report to showcase their impact on their service area. They especially wanted to emphasize the essential services they provided during the Pandemic of 2020. We kept a simple cost effective report with potential for some great infographics.